About Us

ASLIDO – Association of People for Homes, z.s. – aim to emancipate homeless people through their participation in the situation with housing poverty and to open the dialogue among all of the actors who are committed in the homeless problematics. Association focuses on political and social activities in the public space and to education its own members in the topics connected with it.


September 2013
New theatre group Kruh nadeje was formed thanks to assessment by Unruhe foundation and its famous price Sozial Marie for social innovations. Actors and actresses are homeless people, mostly from hostels and shelters in Ostrava. We focused on the method of a theatre of the oppressed. It’s form of applied participative theatre that allows through its dramatic experience open topics of social situations and conflicts that comes from actors’ lives.

December 2013
We start to strategically plan. Our team is discussing next steps in Salesian leisure center Don Bosco. From theatre plays came topics of relationships between homeless people and public, contacts with offices, lack of jobs and rles of hostels or shelters. We want to go deeper and react.

April 2014
Official association Aslido was founded in April.

December 2014
We got our first financial help from programme Dejme (ze)nam sanci as a partners of project called “Spolecne doma bez nasili”.

May 2015
Number of members increased, more homeless people joined us as well as social workers and academicians.

January 2016
Our activities were supported by the city grant within the prevention of criminality.

Aslido decided not to ask neither recieve any grants. Aslido got through transformation and some members of the group Chceme bydlet! from Prague joined it.

March 2018
Groundbreaking general meeting happened, both members from Ostrava and Prague group attended. We created new name for our organisation. Aslido isn’t just an unofficial group of homeless people anymore, now its called Asociace lidí pro domov. Some inner changes happened as well. Since now, member of the organisation can be only the ones having real life experience with living on the streets and being homeless. The other members without this experience are called allies from now.

April 2018
Aslido got a financial help from students from Charles University.

November 2019
Another general meeting happened in the spaces of Ostrava’s group. Association decided again to ask for grants as a support for their functioning. This was a huge step for us. Also U-Sluno company shared with us their office space we are using now for our meetings.

Organisation structure:
Chairman: Evžen Vojkůvka
Deputy chairman: Emil Jíra
Members: Miloš Neubauer, Evžen Vojkůvka, Julius Kala, Milan Homola, Jozef Nemšovský, Zuzana Křičková, Emil Jíra, Dušan, Václav Zitta, Helena Ogboi

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Díky vašim finančním darům může Aslido fungovat i bez dotací a projektů!

Norway fonds




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